Sorry that i haven't written in quite a while, alot has happened since August! Kristen and Chris Parker were in Chicago at the end of September for his job and we met them for dinner at Mia Francesca, a great Italian restaurant in our neighborhood. It is always so nice to spend time with our Nashville friends! After dinner they came back to our condo and we all watched the Presidential debate. It was such a fun night. We are excited for baby Mason to get here!!
The weekend of October 3 I flew home to Nashville for my grandmother's 80th birthday party, and Jonathan flew to Pensacola for Ed and Forrest's wedding. I was sad to miss the wedding but the pictures looked beautiful and jonathan had a great time. Grandma Jean's Birthday party was very nice, so many people came by to see her. All of her grandchildren were able to be there, and it was great to see my cousins from California and Atlanta. After her party, i went to the Vandy vs. Auburn game with Reed. It was awesome!!! All of his friends had a big tailgate, and I had fun meeting his friends. Reed was a nervous wreck during the game. It was hilarious. He kept saying," I'm not getting my hopes up," but when the game was over he went crazy. I had so much fun getting to hang out him.
Then the next weekend Jonathan's sister Nicole came up to visit us for her birthday. She was here a whole week and even though i had to work pretty much every day she was here, we all had a fun week! We got to spend the day of her birthday, October 14, together. I met Jonathan and Nicole at the Giordano's downtown for a birthday pizza. Then Nicole and I shopped on Michigan Ave. while Jonathan went to class. Before going back to our condo, we stopped by the Ghirardelli store for a birthday sundae...and it was the best sundae i have ever tasted!! That night we met a bunch of Nicole and Jonathan's friends from college for dinner at Cafe Mundial, a delicious restaurant in Pilsen. It was a great day!
Here are some pictures from the day

Jonathan and I left that Friday to fly to Nashville for Lindsey Howard's and Kyle Felts' wedding. We had a great time! It was wonderful being home and getting to hang out with our friends.
This weekend Megan, Jonathan's younger sister, came to visit us and sadly, I had to work Friday, Saturday and Sunday. However today I got a call at 5am this morning, and it was the hospital calling to see if I wanted to be "on call!!" so I got to spend all day with Jonathan and megan, and last night we went to eat at the Chicago Diner, a vegetarian diner. The food was very interesting but delicious! We were sad she had to leave today.
Sorry this post is so long. We have been pretty busy over the last two months! I can't believe that it is almost November. I also wanted to let everyone know that the high here tomorrow is 41 degrees with a chance of snow!!! I am never going to make it through the winter!!!